Responsible Citizens

At Dornoch Primary School we encourage all of our pupils to treat each other with mutual respect. We also encourage pupils to look after their own belongings and treat school and other pupils’ property with respect. In doing so, we aim to create a happy, secure and safe environment at school.

Mobile Phones/Ipods (or similar devices)
These are generally not required at school. Should your child require to bring a mobile phone (or other device) to school, it must be handed into the school office at 8.50am for collection at 3.00pm. The school cannot be held responsible for devices left in the cloakroom.

All monies for school purposes should be in a marked envelope and given into the school office or Class Teacher at the start of the day. Any money for personal reasons should be kept in the child’s pocket or purse/wallet in their classroom tray. Money should not be left in bags in the cloakroom.

Pupils must order their lunch when they come into class in the morning. This is to ensure a meal will be provided. Lunch money should be in a marked envelope and deposited in the box outside the school office.

In encouraging pupils to be more responsible for their belongings and themselves, we would request that parents ensure the following:

  • Pupils who require a musical instrument in school remember to bring it on the required day;
  • Pupils know what they are doing at the end of the day (especially if they are going to an after school activity);
  • Pupils’ clothes have their names on them so we can identify the owners of school jumpers/gym kit, etc. Any property with no name marked that has not been claimed by the end of each term will be donated to charity.

Your help and support in encouraging responsibility is much appreciated.